This isn't a temporary change in your life — it's a lifetime shift for your health and happiness. And all the work you do. Are you ready to reclaim your life? You and the world will be better for it.
The course also includes one (1) private 45-minute coaching session. In your 1:1, we focus on what you're seeking, what's holding you back, and how you can seize the life you want.
Practice what you learn with easy-to-use guided visualization recordings you can listen to anywhere, anytime. Listen to before hard conversations, seeing family, or whenever you need support finding yourself again.
Our unique, proven process for reclaiming your life has never been available outside 1:1 coaching before — until now. Over twelve weeks, you will learn you how to make sense of the chaos and live the life you crave in the midst of it.
Burnout has incapacitated me, more than once. I've worked myself into the ground, trying (and failing) to be perfect. I ignored my pain and discomfort. I struggled to set and hold boundaries. And I had no idea how to live differently.
Now, I have the skills, tools, and resources to prevent burnout in myself and help others kick burnout to the curb...for good.